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Custom T-shirt for children

Customized t-shirt for children in various colors

Code: #361
Cheapest shipping from 10 €
(In Italy 10 euro but over 30 euro it's free!)
Stock Status: In Stock
Delivery Status: 3-5 days

22 €
Including Tax: 3.97 €

Customixe your t-shirt: choose the size, the color, upload the file you would like printed on your custom t-shirt or your phrase, and order directly online.

The space between the red dashed line is where your image/test will appear.

You will still receive confirmation before it is printed to avoid misunderstandings.

The t-shirt is in cotton 100%, 150 grams

You can also choose one of these font for your message on the cup:

Times New Roman


Comic Sans MS



Monotype Corsiva

If the above font don't satisfy you, please send a file (from the email you use for this order) with an image or a more detailed description (.pdf, photoshop, jpg, word...) to barbara@igix.it

You will receive a final image by email for confirm before printing

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